Moving upstream report 2020 published

We have today published the second edition of the Moving upstream report,
which provides an update on the progress made against our Shifting the balance commitments, and highlights our move towards meeting the objectives of our new Corporate Strategy 2020-2022: Right time, right place, right touch and Costed Corporate Plan 2020.
The report highlights the progress we have made since last year on our core commitments around moving upstream, first-tier complaint resolution, working with partners and refocusing fitness to practise.
Key projects have included our work to develop a model of lifelong learning, using the findings from a literature review and workshops with key stakeholders to consider proposals for reform. We produced a discussion document on this and are now analysing
the responses to plan the next practical steps that we will take in 2020.
We have supported the delivery of the profession-wide complaint handling initiative and helped establish the working group. This has included delivering a joint statement on handling patient feedback and concerns, followed by a leaflet and poster providing
advice for dental patients on how to raise concerns.
We have made significant changes to improving the efficiency and timeliness of our fitness to practise process. This has included revising our written communications to make the content easier to understand, making further improvements to our online triage
form and developing a set of principles to guide our regulatory decision-making, which will help the public and practitioners to better understand our approach to fitness to practise issues.
As we bring our Shifting the balance work programme to a close and move into the next stage of our work to reform dental regulation, much progress has been made and we are well prepared to move on to an ever more ambitious programme of work.
Our new Corporate Strategy 2020-2022: Right time, right place, right touch and the associated Costed Corporate Plan 2020, give a more comprehensive account of our planned activities and how we will address the challenges facing us. As such, we will be reporting on progress made against the Costed Corporate Plan 2020 from next year and this therefore will be the final Moving upstream report.
You can download the full Moving upstream report from our website.