
Online registers - glossary

What do the terms on the online registers mean?

This page lists the terms related to the online register.

For further guidance about hearings and sanctions, or more information on a particular dental professional’s registration status or conditions, you can:

  • visit the hearings' pages of our website, which detail the recent determinations of the GDC’s Professional Conduct, Performance and Health Committees, or
  • contact the GDC.


​This means that someone is registered with us. By law, professionals who provide dental care must be registered with us in order to work in the UK.

Registered with a warning

​When we receive a concern about a dental professional and the Case Examiners or Investigating Committee decide that it does not require a full public hearing, a warning can be issued. The warning relates to the registrant's future conduct, performance and practice. In practise this means the registrant remains able to carry on their job with no restrictions. For more information on a particular dental professional's warning, please contact us.

Registered with a reprimand

​A dental professional can be given a reprimand after a full public hearing. It is a statement of the committee's disapproval, but the registrant remains able to carry on their job with no restrictions.

Registered with conditions

A dental professional's registration can be made subject to conditions in two situations, which are explained below. If the dental professional breaches the conditions, we can take further action.

  1. If a concern about a dental professional has been received and it is decided that it requires immediate action, we can impose a temporary measure to protect the public during the period until a full hearing can take place. A dental professional can be registered with conditions by our Interim Orders Committee until a full hearing is listed and whilst casework look into the ongoing concerns. All orders for interim conditional registration are reviewed every 6 months or sooner if needed, up to a maximum of 18 months or longer, if agreed by the High Court.
  2. if a dental professional's ability to practise is found to be effected after a full GDC Practice Committee hearing he or she can be registered with conditions for up to 36 months. This means that the dental professional must comply with conditions for the given period and after that time, be able to show that he or she is able to carry out their role without any restrictions.

Registration suspended

A dental professional's registration can be suspended in two situations, which are explained below. If the dental professional breaches the suspension, the GDC can take further action if illegal practice is found to have taken place.

  1. If a concern about a dental professional has been received and it is decided that it requires immediate action, we can impose a temporary measure to protect the public during the period until a full hearing can take place. The dental care professional can be suspended from the register - and stopped from practising - by our Interim Order Committee until a full hearing is listed and whilst casework look into the concerns. All orders for interim suspension of registration are reviewed every 6 months or sooner if needed, up to a maximum of 18 months, or longer if agreed by the High Court.
  2. Where a dental professional's ability to practise has been found to be effected, due to their performance, conduct or health, his or her registration can be suspended after a full hearing. The suspension can be for any period considered appropriate, and for up to 12 months. This means he or she cannot practise dentistry during this time. The suspension can be extended for a further 12 months if necessary and in certain cases indefinitely.

Erasure from the register

​This is the most serious sanction that can be imposed if a dental professional's ability to practise has been found to be effected, either due to their performance or conduct. This means that the registrant's name is removed from the Register and they can no longer work in dentistry in the UK.