
Regulatory reform at the GDC

Government proposes legislative changes to allow provisional registration of overseas-qualified dentists

The government has invited views on proposals for legislative reforms which would allow the GDC to establish a system of provisional registration for overseas-qualified dentists in rules. We submitted our response to the consultation in May.

Provisional registration would provide a way for overseas qualified dentists to work under supervision in the UK, potentially offering them an opportunity to adapt to UK practice in a supported environment while working towards full registration.

The reforms are an essential first step, but there will be much more to do before provisional registration is available. We will need to work with government and others in the sector to design a system that will allow provisional registration to work safely, effectively and sustainably. If legislative amendments are made, we then need to consult on detailed rules to underpin the provisional registration scheme.

We have welcomed the proposed legislative changes that are necessary to allow for provisional registration.

The government’s consultation closed on 19 May 2024.

The future regulatory framework takes a step forward with the first set of reforms approved by parliament

Legislation to bring anaesthesia associates and physician associates into regulation under the General Medical Council (GMC) has now been approved by parliament. This legislation is intended to be the template for the future reform of all healthcare professional regulators, including the GDC. (See the GDC’s response to the 2023 government consultation Regulating anaesthesia associates and physician associates.)

The GMC is now consulting on proposed rules, standards and guidance to implement the reforms. The GMC expects to complete the process by December 2024.

We have been calling for reform for some years now to unlock the prescriptive and outdated legislation under which we currently operate. Our legislative framework continues to limit our ability to deliver our statutory functions  more effectively and efficiency. 

We have welcomed the intent to introduce a flexible and consistent legislative framework, and the template for reform is taking shape, but more work is needed develop legislation that will work for all healthcare professional regulators, including the GDC. 

The proposed template does not yet provide an indication of the approach to issues that are specific to dentistry, and more thought is needed on proposed legislation that will assure regulators that professionals continue to keep their knowledge and skills up to date.

The timetable for full scale reform remains uncertain, but it is at least several years away. The government has indicated that proposals for wider GMC reforms will be the next consultation to take place. We will continue to press for regulatory reform to accelerate, with the support of our stakeholders. 

We expect further consultation later this year.