
The registers

We have a legal duty under the Dentists Act to publish our registers and we do this by providing a complete copy online. It is provided free of charge and anyone can search the register.

You can search a specific register by entering either a name, town or any combination of these. Telephone numbers are not part of the public register.

Information available on the registers

The following information is publicly available on the registers:

  • Status.
  • Registration number.
  • Registrant type.
  • Date first registered.
  • Date current period of registration from.
  • Qualifications.

Registration reports

We produce monthly registration reports which give details about professionals on our registers, including the number and types of registrants, and the number of dentists on specialists lists. Our reports can be found on this page.

Sale of the registers

Copies of the registers are not available for sale or for commercial purposes. The information held on our registers is given to us for regulatory purposes and we have legal obligations under the Data Protection Act.

Using registered information

If you have a specific request relating to use of the data held on the registers, we will be happy to consider it under the Freedom of Information Act. Please contact us.

We do not record whether a registrant is practising or retired or, if practising, providing treatment on a private or NHS basis or both. NHS Primary Care Trusts hold lists of all dentists who practice in each area. To determine whether a dentist is contracted to the NHS, you will need to visit the Primary Care Trusts website. The NHS Authorities and Trusts website contains an A-Z directory of all Primary Care Trusts.

There is no similar list of dentists who only provide private care.