

In order to protect the public by regulating the dental team, we need to listen and understand the views of the public, patients and registrants. We draw upon these views to make policy and decisions on the basis of the best available evidence

View our research library
Technician with microscope

Listening to your views

We use a range of research and consultation methods to produce robust evidence and to reach as wide and diverse audience as possible.

These include: 

  • Publishing a consultation document on our website where you can let us know your view on key policies and procedures. The document which provides background to the issue, sets out the purpose of the consultation, and explains how to respond, via a questionnaire and the deadline for a response. 
  • Representative research surveys of patients, public and registrants which produce reliable evidence about what you think.
  • Focus groups and workshops to enable in depth and deliberative discussion of issues and to target sections of the general and registrant population not reached by other consultation methods.
  • Providing opportunities for feedback and open calls for ideas on key issues. 

Research library

Our research library contains reports, survey results and other information which we have used in our policy development and strategic decisions.

If you have questions about the research please get in touch.​​​


Registrant Survey

Understanding and evaluating early career dental professionals' experiences of the General Dental Council

In January 2023, we commissioned SQW, an independent research organisation, to conduct a comprehensive research study to understand the experiences, ...

Fitness to practise

Unlocking the potential of GDC fitness to practise data

The fitness to practise process is an essential part of the regulatory system that ensures patients are safe and public ...


Evaluating Enhanced CPD: Final Report

Our public protection role includes ensuring that the dental team are well-trained and deliver care to high standards. Undertaking continuing ...

Patients and the Public

Views and experiences of dentistry – 2022 survey of the UK public

In 2022, we commissioned Community Research to conduct a research study with the public as part of a wider research ...