
Research Hub

2018/19 Patient and Public Survey

  • 12 December, 2019
  • Patients and the Public
2018/19 Patient and Public Survey

The 2018/19 Patient and Public Survey was undertaken on behalf of the GDC by Ipsos MORI. The research comprised a survey, in-depth interviews and a deliberative workshop.  

The objectives of the research were to:

  • track how opinions may have changed against a set of baseline questions that were asked in the previous surveys
  • capture and compare public and patient awareness and perceptions of the GDC, its performance and impact in fulfilling its regulatory roles and responsibilities
  • obtain public and patient insight into key policy initiatives being developed by the GDC
  • test public views and understanding of topical or current issues in dentistry/dental regulation
  • identify emerging policy issues that are relevant to the GDC.

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