
Share your stories of professionalism in dentistry

We want to hear your stories of professionalism in dentistry.

We know dental teams continue to be under pressure and the demand from patients in need of care and treatment is high. Sustaining high standards of professionalism in the face of a worldwide health crisis is no small feat, but dental teams across the UK have been doing just that, and we want to hear about these examples of professionalism in dentistry.

The dental team is made up of skilled, trained and competent professionals who keep their skills up to date. They are amongst the most trusted professions in the UK.

We want to take the time to appreciate the things that go well, by gathering and sharing the stories of professionalism in dentistry that happen every day across the UK.

We want to hear your stories of professionalism in dentistry, or about a time when you witnessed professionalism being clearly demonstrated by others in the dental team.  

It's your story and can be represented however you like - an image with a quote or even just a sentence.

To give you some ideas, we’re particularly interested in hearing about the following examples of professional behaviour and conduct:

  • Acting with integrity.
  • Maintaining the trust of colleagues and patients.
  • Treating patients with respect.
  • Involving patients in decisions about their care.
  • Working with others to ensure the safety and wellbeing of others in variable settings.
  • Keeping skills up to date.
  • Speaking up to protect others.

To submit your story of professionalism, please just add your name and some contact details to the form on this page.

Once we've received your form, we'll be in touch with details of how to share your story with us. We'll also ask whether we can tag you or your practice on our Twitter or LinkedIn pages before we share it.