
GDC Chair, Lord Toby Harris joins College of General Dentistry in celebrating official launch

22 October, 2021

Our new Chair, Lord Toby Harris, joined the College of General Dentistry (CGDent) yesterday in celebrating their official launch.

Speaking at the event, Lord Toby Harris reflected on a number of commonalities between the two organisations, not least our shared focus on all members of the dental team. 

Lord Toby Harris said: 

“The creation of a dedicated College - for the whole dental team – is a significant moment and I am really pleased to join in celebrating this. The College of General Dentistry is an important partner for the GDC in supporting our role assuring education standards and ensuring patient safety and confidence in the professions.” 

President of the new College of General Dentistry, Dr Abhi Pal, said: 

“The launch of the College is a truly exciting time, and I thank our members, donors and supporters, and those who founded and developed the Faculty of General Dental Practice over thirty years, for helping us reach this historic moment. We also thank Toby for celebrating with us and for his address, and we wish him well in his new post.  

“We now look forward to working with our many partners and stakeholders across the profession, including the General Dental Council, to build on the Faculty’s legacy, welcoming all dental professionals into a full membership journey which enhances their professional development and patient care, and enriches their careers.”