
Dentist annual renewal level remains stable

21 January, 2021
Dentist annual renewal level remains stable

The number of dentists on the Register, following the recent annual renewal period, has remained broadly in line with our forecast and the trajectory in previous years.

Dentist ARF






ARF payments received (by 31 December)39,79440,17340,65941,34041,615
Other registrations *160163163154248
Register count following removals **39,95440,33640,82241,49441,863
Removals ***1,5281,3681,3029751,191
Removals as % of ARF payments received3.84%3.41%3.20%2.36%2.86%
* The Register changes on a daily basis. This includes ARF payments, restorations, fitness to practise retentions and new additions to the Register (between 1 and 5 January 2021).          
** Register count in week following the renewal period.
*** Reasons for removal include voluntary removal, non-payment, retirement, and notifications of death.

While the register changes on a daily basis, what we invariably see (for both the dentist and DCP Registers) is that over the course of the year, the number of registered professionals increases due to new registrations, and then that number drops at the point of renewal as professionals leave the Register for a range of reasons.

We publish registration reports every month which provide further information.