Consultation outcome report on the principles of specialist listing published
We have today published the consultation outcome report on the principles of specialist listing.
The consultation, which ran from 31 January to the 25 April 2019, invited comment on fundamental issues related to the system of specialist listing, including:
• revised purposes for specialist listing, setting out what the GDC expects listed specialties to fulfil, and criteria by which the GDC will determine which disciplines of dentistry should be listed
• principles for the addition and removal of specialist lists and
• processes for maintaining accreditation on specialist lists.
We received 161 responses to the consultation; 30 organisational responses and 131 from individuals. We would like to thank all respondents for their views. The positive feedback and general support for the proposals is welcomed and provides a strong basis upon which to proceed.
We will now make minor amendments to the proposed purpose and criteria for specialist lists and develop the principles and the process for the addition and removal of specialties from the list to publish these in 2020.
Further development work will be undertaken regarding maintenance of accreditation on specialists lists, utilising feedback received from this consultation and updates will be given as the work progresses.