
Provider of illegal tooth whitening prosecuted by GDC

03 December, 2019
Provider of illegal tooth whitening prosecuted by GDC

On 22 November 2019, Amanda Gardner of Tan and Beauty Salon, Ruislip, was found guilty of illegally offering tooth whitening and was ordered to pay over £3000 in fines and legal costs by Ealing Magistrates’ Court.

Following a complaint received in January 2019 from a member of the public, our criminal enforcement team launched an investigation.

Jenny Stewart, Head of In-House Appeals and Criminal Enforcement at the GDC said: “Our primary purpose is to protect the public from harm. Illegal tooth whitening represents a real risk as those who carry it out are neither qualified to assess a patient’s suitability for the treatment nor are they able to intervene should an emergency arise. When we receive a report of illegal practice, we seek to educate those involved about the dangers and the law in relation to tooth whitening. Where our efforts are ignored, as in the case of Ms Gardner, we will, where appropriate, prosecute in the criminal courts.”

Under the Dentists Act 1984, and following the High Court's ruling in GDC v Jamous, the legal position in relation to tooth whitening is very clear. The treatment can only be performed by a dentist or a dental therapist, dental hygienist or a clinical dental technician working to the prescription of a dentist.

Anyone considering tooth whitening should first check the register of dental professionals on our website here to ensure the individual offering the treatment is qualified to do so.

If you suspect any cases of illegal practice, report it here.