Annual Renewal for dental care professionals opens 7 June 2019

The Annual Renewal period for dental care professionals opens on 7 June 2019, and due to the introduction of Enhanced CPD, now includes the requirement to make an annual CPD statement. Please check what you need to do well in advance of the deadline.
To renew your registration, you need to:
˗ pay your Annual Renewal Fee (ARF)
˗ make your annual or end-of-cycle CPD statement
˗ declare that you have, or will have, appropriate indemnity
Your ARF must be paid each year to ensure you remain on the dental care professional Register. Please ensure your payment is made by 31 July. It provides you with a 12-month license to practise in the UK and is non-refundable. The ARF funds the system of dental regulation in the UK, which keeps patients safe and maintains public confidence in dentistry.
You must also tell us about CPD, whether or not you completed any this year. The introduction of the Enhanced CPD means all dental care professionals now need to make an annual CPD statement. If you have chosen not to complete any CPD this year, you must record zero-hours. Those completing a five-year CPD cycle need to make an end-of-cycle statement. Only those completing their first Annual Renewal are exempt from the CPD requirements.
The quickest and easiest way to complete Annual Renewal is using eGDC. It can be accessed 24/7, you can update your personal details and download your annual practice certificate. If you don’t yet have an eGDC account, you can set it up easily online.
If you have setup a direct debit, the payment will be taken on 2 July. Please also note that the automated phone payment line is no longer available. All payments must be made by using eGDC or by post to GDC, One Colmore Square, B4 6AJ. Payments by post must arrive by 31 July, please check on delivery times with your provider, to ensure it arrives before the deadline.
If you have any questions, please get in touch on 020 7167 6000 or email the team.