
Research Hub

Literature Review on Impairment and Serious Misconduct

  • 01 March, 2018
  • Fitness to practise
The Literature review sought to identify evidence to answer the following questions:
  • What are the characteristics of professional regulators’ fitness to practise (or equivalent) procedures which determine how they define, identify and categorise serious misconduct?
  • What factors inform regulators’ decision-making around serious misconduct?
  • Are there political and social contexts that can be identified as having influenced changes to regulators’ decision-making around serious misconduct?
  • What is the evidence base for approaches to defining, identifying and categorising serious professional misconduct?

Further research outputs

Fitness to practise

Unlocking the potential of GDC fitness to practise data

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Fitness to practise

Experiences of GDC fitness to practise participants 2015 – 2021: A realist study

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Fitness to practise

The concept of seriousness in fitness to practise – a cross-regulatory research

This research was commissioned by the General Dental Council (GDC) and the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and was undertaken ...
Fitness to practise

Analysis of fitness to practise case data

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