
Annual Retention Fee

The Annual Retention Fee (ARF) is the fee all registered dentists and dental care professionals must pay each year to remain on the dentists register or dental care professionals register.

If you have not yet registered, you will pay a pro rata fee

When do I pay the ARF?

The deadline for all dental care professionals to pay is 31 July each year, while the deadline for all dentists to pay is 31 December each year. You will receive a letter ahead of the deadline with information about how you can make the payment.

How can I pay?

You can pay your ARF by:

How much is the ARF?


The fee for dentists is £621 and must be paid by 31 December.

Retention periodAmountDue date

1 Jan - 31 Dec


31 Dec

Specialists (per speciality)

The fee for maintaining entry on our specialist lists is £72 per specialty and must be paid by 31 December.

Retention periodAmountDue date

1 Jan - 31 Dec


31 Dec

Dental care professionals

The fee for dental care professionals is £96 and must be paid by 31 July.

Retention periodAmountDue date

1 Aug - 31 Jul


31 Jul

When will I receive my annual practising certificate?

When completing your renewal application, if you indicated that would like a physical annual practising certificate, we will post one to your registered address. If you have not received your certificate six weeks after your payment has been processed then please contact us here or call 020 7167 6000. You can also download your certificate by logging on to your eGDC account

If you would like a physical annual practising certificate, you will need to tick the relevant box when completing your renewal application. 




I've paid my ARF, why haven't I received my annual practising certificate?

If you have not declared your indemnity or ticked the relevant box requesting a physical annual practising certificate when completing your renewal application, one will not be posted to you.

Even if you have paid your ARF, you must also state you have indemnity in place, or will have when you begin practising.

If you have declared your indemnity but did not tick the box requesting a physical annual practising certificate and would now like one, then please call 020 7167 6000 or contact us here.


Annual practising certificate

I've paid my ARF, why haven't I received my annual practising certificate?

If you have not declared your indemnity or ticked the relevant box requesting a physical annual practising certificate when completing your renewal application, one will not be posted to you.

Even if you have paid your ARF, you must also state you have indemnity in place, or will have when you begin practising.

If you have declared your indemnity but did not tick the box requesting a physical annual practising certificate and would now like one, then please call 020 7167 6000 or contact us here.



I've paid my ARF, why haven't I received my annual practising certificate?

If you have not declared your indemnity or ticked the relevant box requesting a physical annual practising certificate when completing your renewal application, one will not be posted to you.

Even if you have paid your ARF, you must also state you have indemnity in place, or will have when you begin practising.

If you have declared your indemnity but did not tick the box requesting a physical annual practising certificate and would now like one, then please call 020 7167 6000 or contact us here.



I've paid my ARF, why haven't I received my annual practising certificate?

If you have not declared your indemnity or ticked the relevant box requesting a physical annual practising certificate when completing your renewal application, one will not be posted to you.

Even if you have paid your ARF, you must also state you have indemnity in place, or will have when you begin practising.

If you have declared your indemnity but did not tick the box requesting a physical annual practising certificate and would now like one, then please call 020 7167 6000 or contact us here.